In order to certify the conformity of the product to the technical Norms and Specifications, the requesting Organization should implement a system for checking the quality of the production. This should include initial and periodical tests in accordance with the applicable technical regulation.The Certifying organization verifies the quality of the product and the system and attests its compliance with the Technical Norms and Specifications, issuing a Certificate.
The Organization conducts supervision tests throughout the period of validity of the certification, to verify that the declared requisites for the certified product or system are maintained over the time.
In particular:
Verification of the availability of the required instrument installed on the lines;
Verification of the LaboratoryVerification of the certifications of the equipment and of the Lab;
Verification of the Procedures for production and control of the goods;
Monitoring of all the operation performed during production and controls of the goods;
Verification of measurements and samplings according to international Norms and Specifications;
Crosscheck of the results with third party actors;
Laboratory/Testing witnessing
Warehouses Inspection/Audit
The process uses sophisticated hand-held technologies and specially formatted barcodes, and generates detailed electronic results and reports for clients to view on desktops, laptops, mobile phones and tablets.